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Using the PeeringDB module

throne has the ability to query the PeeringDB API to provide information on networks, organizations and IXs registered with them.

[user@throne ~]$ throne pdb
Usage: throne pdb [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Retrieve information from PeeringDB.

--help Show this message and exit.

asn Retrieves information about an organization by AS#.
fac Returns facility search output from PeeringDB.
ix Returns IX search output from PeeringDB.

pdb asn

Currently the functionality of this command is pretty limited. pdb asn is designed to return information of an organization registered with PeeringDB based upon AS number. When you provide an AS number as the argument it only returns the specific ID, name, last created, last updated and current status of the object in PeeringDB.

[user@throne ~]$ throne pdb asn 20473
---PeeringDB Information---
Id: 1051
Name: Choopa, LLC
Created: 2006-05-02T08:20:54Z
Updated: 2016-03-14T20:34:28Z
Status: ok

Some results may have been ommited due to having no value.

You can see in the above output that throne does tell you it will ommit values that get returned which have no value. Increased functionality of this command may come in the future.

pdb ix

Unlike the pdb asn command this one provides some really good output. pdb ix provides information of IXs returned based upon the query that is made. There is also is two options you can use as well as one argument that is required with this.

[user@throne ~]$ throne pdb ix --help
Usage: throne pdb ix [OPTIONS] IX

Returns IX search output from PeeringDB.

-u, --unformatted Returns output unformatted.
-c, --count NUMBER Changes the number of results returned. [default: 3]
--help Show this message and exit.

Using -c/--count will change the number of results returned. Based upon the query you can get hundereds of results, so instead of printing them all to the users console it's been limited to 3 by default. That number can change if you specify using this option; ex throne pdb ix AMS-IX --count 10. Whatever number you specify after --count will be the maximum number of results returned.

Using -u/--unformatted will return the results in a more ugly fashion. By default all commands output in a "prettier" format, this turns that off and gives you what PeeringDB provides throne prior to parsing/processing.

Let's take a look at the base command and see what we get when we search for AMS-IX.

Example - AMS-IX
[user@throne ~]$ throne pdb ix AMS-IX
---PeeringDB Results---
Name: Amsterdam Internet Exchange
Location: Amsterdam, NL
Media Type: Ethernet
Supported Protocol Types: IPv6/Unicast IPv4
Tech Contact: [email protected]/+31205141717
Policy Contact: [email protected]/+31203058999
Total Networks: 865
Traffic Stats:
--AMS-IX Caribbean--
Name: Amsterdam Internet Exchange Caribbean
Location: Curacao, CW
Media Type: Ethernet
Supported Protocol Types: IPv6/Unicast IPv4
Tech Contact: [email protected]/+31205141717
Policy Contact: [email protected]/+31203058999
Total Networks: 11
Traffic Stats:
--AMS-IX Hong Kong--
Name: Amsterdam Internet Exchange Hong Kong
Location: Hong Kong, HK
Media Type: Ethernet
Supported Protocol Types: IPv6/Unicast IPv4
Tech Contact: [email protected]/+31205141717
Policy Contact: [email protected]/+31203058999
Total Networks: 51
Traffic Stats:

From the above output we can see we were provided 3 results because we didn't specify the --count option. Along with that we're provided some good information on the IX.

  • Name - The name of the IX in PeeringDB
  • Location - The location the IX is out of (City, Country)
  • Media Type - The registered media type of the IX
  • Supported Protocol Types - Which protocols this IX supports
  • Tech Contact/Policy Contact - Contacts registered with the IX
  • Total Networks - Total number of peers/networks with this IX
  • Traffic Stats - The registered traffic stats URL with this IX (The URL may not work, it is dependant on the IX to keep that up to date in PeeringDB)

Now lets see what happens if we up the count to provide a maximum of 10 results.

Example - AMS-IX (10)
[user@throne ~]$ throne pdb ix AMS-IX --count 10
---PeeringDB Results---
Name: Amsterdam Internet Exchange
Location: Amsterdam, NL
Media Type: Ethernet
Supported Protocol Types: IPv6/Unicast IPv4
Tech Contact: [email protected]/+31205141717
Policy Contact: [email protected]/+31203058999
Total Networks: 865
Traffic Stats:
--AMS-IX Caribbean--
Name: Amsterdam Internet Exchange Caribbean
Location: Curacao, CW
Media Type: Ethernet
Supported Protocol Types: IPv6/Unicast IPv4
Tech Contact: [email protected]/+31205141717
Policy Contact: [email protected]/+31203058999
Total Networks: 11
Traffic Stats:
--AMS-IX Hong Kong--
Name: Amsterdam Internet Exchange Hong Kong
Location: Hong Kong, HK
Media Type: Ethernet
Supported Protocol Types: IPv6/Unicast IPv4
Tech Contact: [email protected]/+31205141717
Policy Contact: [email protected]/+31203058999
Total Networks: 51
Traffic Stats:
Name: AMS-IX Bay Area
Location: San Francisco, San Jose, US
Media Type: Ethernet
Supported Protocol Types: IPv6/Unicast IPv4
Tech Contact: [email protected]/+12124614815
Policy Contact: [email protected]/+12124614768
Total Networks: 29
Traffic Stats:
--AMS-IX Chicago--
Name: AMS-IX Chicago
Location: Chicago, US
Media Type: Ethernet
Supported Protocol Types: IPv6/Unicast IPv4
Tech Contact: [email protected]/+12124614815
Policy Contact: [email protected]/+12124614768
Total Networks: 29
Traffic Stats:
--AMS-IX Mumbai--
Name: Amsterdam Internet Exchange Mumbai
Location: Mumbai, IN
Media Type: Ethernet
Supported Protocol Types: IPv6/Unicast IPv4
Tech Contact: [email protected]/+914466800000
Policy Contact: [email protected]/+31203058999
Total Networks: 57
Traffic Stats:

We can see that throne only returned 6 results as that is all it could find for AMS-IX in PeeringDB. Just a reminder the number provided to --count is a maximum number to be returned, not the exact number of results returned.

If you don't like the format that throne is providng the information you can always ask for it to be unformatted with the --unformatted option.

Example - AMS-IX (Unformatted)
[user@throne ~]$ throne pdb ix AMS-IX --unformatted
---PeeringDB Results---
Id: 26
Org_id: 2634
Name: AMS-IX
Name_long: Amsterdam Internet Exchange
City: Amsterdam
Country: NL
Region_continent: Europe
Media: Ethernet
Proto_unicast: True
Proto_multicast: False
Proto_ipv6: True
Tech_email: [email protected]
Tech_phone: +31205141717
Policy_email: [email protected]
Policy_phone: +31203058999
Net_count: 865
Ixf_net_count: 0
Ixf_last_import: None
Created: 2010-07-29T00:00:00Z
Updated: 2020-01-22T04:24:06Z
Status: ok
--AMS-IX Caribbean--
Id: 366
Org_id: 2634
Name: AMS-IX Caribbean
Name_long: Amsterdam Internet Exchange Caribbean
City: Curacao
Country: CW
Region_continent: South America
Media: Ethernet
Proto_unicast: True
Proto_multicast: False
Proto_ipv6: True
Tech_email: [email protected]
Tech_phone: +31205141717
Policy_email: [email protected]
Policy_phone: +31203058999
Net_count: 11
Ixf_net_count: 0
Ixf_last_import: None
Created: 2013-05-12T00:00:00Z
Updated: 2020-01-22T04:24:06Z
Status: ok
--AMS-IX Hong Kong--
Id: 577
Org_id: 2634
Name: AMS-IX Hong Kong
Name_long: Amsterdam Internet Exchange Hong Kong
City: Hong Kong
Country: HK
Region_continent: Asia Pacific
Media: Ethernet
Proto_unicast: True
Proto_multicast: False
Proto_ipv6: True
Tech_email: [email protected]
Tech_phone: +31205141717
Policy_email: [email protected]
Policy_phone: +31203058999
Net_count: 51
Ixf_net_count: 0
Ixf_last_import: None
Created: 2012-03-28T00:00:00Z
Updated: 2020-01-22T04:24:06Z
Status: ok

While you do get a couple more variables returned when you use --unformatted, it's not always the best to use this command. It's a little harder to read when comparing it to thrones output. The additional variables provided by the --unformatted command were left out of throne due to them normally not containing information such as Ixf_net_count or the Notes field.